The least of things with meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it.
-Carl Jung.
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-Carl Jung.
Change will come from within because there is no limit to your depth.
My name is Erik. I am a client-led therapist who provides therapy with depth. The “depth” part of therapy with me means that rather than the behavioral approach of changing thoughts and actions in order to ACT different in the world I center on you and your inner world of thoughts, sensations, intuitions and your unique historical upbringing. From this inner world that is uniquely you we can then find what you wish to change and make different in your outer world. Thus, therapy with me is about getting into the important areas of your life more deeply and from there using imagination and desire to find what paths you can and wish to take as we both support you to do so.
In some ways I do this like many therapists, through talk, mindfulness and through emotional work: ultimately gaining a further understanding of the whole you. In more ways I am quite unique in my approach which includes body/somatic education, intuition, imagination and development of your inner self and your depth. Our work will contain play and productive communication in order to find the inner desires and resources you need to move forward.
I receive feedback from clients that I am unique in my ability to understand different cultures, genders and differences from who I am and they are; my ability to both be with heightened feelings of anger as well as the low and slow emotions of depression and confusion. I notice clients are often surprised at my use of dreams, the gut as intuition and other personal internal resources. I myself pride myself on holding positive regard for my client’s life choices, their loved one’s and their wants and desires regardless of the form they take.
Perhaps most foundational, therapy with me is honest. I am not a couch therapist where you sit and talk and I analyze you. When people call me they find a cooperative, sympathetic and honest individual. Safe and gentle are important, but so also is honesty and direct address.
For those wanting a more technically descriptive impression of me as a therapist I encourage you to call and chat with me as I am open and quite technical about the anatomy of my education, theoretical perspective and techniques. I specialize in development, trauma of all kinds and attachment while maintaining a depth of self center.
My Work with Children
For nearly a decade, I’ve worked with children and parents, as both a therapist and a parent coach.
It is important to note my approach to children’s therapy is that I prioritizes inner strength and resilience over behavioral fixes. Children’s behavior is much like a symptom of a deeper internal attempt at navigating difficult situations. Just like the saying it is better to teach a person to fish than to give them a fish. So also children are better served by finding the inner resources they can rely on throughout their developmental lives.
And how do I prioritize inner resources over “behaving”? Through Sand Tray therapy. This type of play therapy allows a child to work within their own language: the language of play! Play is where children try out and practice success. It is how they tell what is bothering them and what needs they cannot meet in themselves or their families. And this play allows them to, “get it right”; to feel the success of growing up through their natural language.
I know with each child has a story and each child comes in with their own unique self. Do not hesitate to call me even just to check in. I am always glad to answer questions and discuss what type of therapy might be best for your child.